Dollar Diplomacy is the idea of giving another country money in order to increase influence of a country.
Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine
The carton demonstrates the meaning of Dollar Diplomacy because one person is giving other people money in order to increase his influence.
Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine
In this cartoon I used the elements of labels and symbolism. Labels are there in the form of the speech bubbles, and symbolism is there in form of the people, representing countries.
Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine is a document warning European nations to stay out of affairs in the Western Hemiphere.
This cartoon demonstrates the Monroe Doctrine by showing a very large man with the Monroe Doctrine, keep out anyone trying to get into the Western Hemiphere.
In this cartoon I used exaggeration and symbolism. The size of the man is very exaggerated, along with the document. The man symbolizes the United States.