My older sister, Natelya, has left us for three years. She lives in Ocala, in Florida to study medecine. Since she was little, Natelya wanted to live in a big city, she didn't want to stay in the Reservation.She worked very hard to be accepted in a good medecine school. Now, Natelya lives very happily in a big apartment.
I don't agree with Natelya because for me, we, Native Americans, have to fight to preserve our culture. But a lot of Natives think like Natelya and it's very sad for our history, our past.
This is my mum : Carlya. She is 46 years old. Her life had been very complicated before she met my dad because she come from a very poor family. So now, she stays at home to educate my silblings and she's very happy !
And this is my dad : Joselu. He is 49 years old and he works as a teacher in our Reservation. It's him who inspired me to become a teacher later. His family has always lived in this Reservation. I'm lucky to have a great family and I love my life actually ! Now, my grandma (the mother of my dad) will tell her beautiful story. Bye !