Yossi really took the advice to heart and decided from now on to be happy, knowing everything will turn out good. After a few days his Rebbi called him over to discuss his test:
Hello Yossi, I was looking at all the Chumash test marks, and I realized you got a donut.
A donut?
What you don't know what a donut is!? It's when you get a zero in a circle, it is called a donut because it looks like one. And I got many donuts when I was your age.
That's funny!
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Anyway, you got a donut because I couldn't read your handwriting. So, do you want to retake the test orally - like say what you wrote? Or take the written test again and write neater?
I think I'll take it orally.
Okay so let's begin. This is your test and what did you answer for Question one?
My answer was......
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I am so happy to tell you that your mark has been changed to a 98!!
Yaakov was right! Simcha does really break the boundaries, and now I can use simcha to break the biggest boundary golus, and bring Moshiach.