Ramban tells us that I will be as I will be means that Hashem is eternal and He will last forever
But I will be as I will be isn't a name!
Hashem says to Moshe I will give you three signs to show them that Im real
the three signs are:1) Moshes staff will turn into a snake2) when Moshe sticks his hand in his robe will fill with seraat3) the Nile will turn to blood
Moshe says to Hashem they won't believe me they'll think Im lying!
it is these three signs because 1) just like a snake Moshe is slandering2) Moshe spoke Lashon Hara about Bnei Israel so he gets serat3) it was a hint to the plague of blood
Hashem, why specifically these three signs?
Moshe I am the one who made you speak so I can make you speak well!
please Hashem I have a stutter Im not a good speaker. Please send somebody else!
I will send your brother Aharon with you.
Please Hashem I can't do this! Send somebody else.
The end!
Hashem that means that Aharon will be the Kohen instead of me!