3. OH WOW 20 LEMONADES THAT"S A LOT! and that'll be 20$ please!
4. Here you go honey. Here's 200$ for all of the hard work that you've put in to make all of my lemonades and all the time and effort that you put into this lemonade stand.
2. Oh wow! I'll take 20 lemonades please for all of my family members please. And how much will that be?
YES! I can't wait to tell my dad that I can finally get the apple watch that I've wanting for a while
4. Wow honey your welcome. I hope you enjoyed your new apple watch you deserve it!
2. Wow honey that's great! See what budgeting can really do for you! Instead of asking someone else to buy it for you. You've worked to afford it yourself.
3. And know since that apple watch is only 100$ I can safe the other 100$ on things that I need. Thank you dad for teaching me the importance of budgeting its a great thing to know to suceed in life.
1. DAD DAD, GUESS WHAT! I finally made enough money today to get that apple watch that iv'e been wanting for a while