Hitler viewed the Churches in Germany with suspicion. He saw thePope as a threat and wanted to pull the Churches under Nazi control. There were Catholics and Protestants inGermany.
When Hitler firstcame to power in 1933 he signed a “concordat” with the Pope (an agreement)which said that if the Catholic Church stayed out of politics Hitler would notinterfere with the Catholic Church.
However, withinmonths Hitler had broken this agreement: Priests were harassed and arrested. Many criticized the Nazis and ended up inconcentration camps. Catholic schools and youth organisations were shut down.Monasteries were shut down.
In1937 Pope Pius XI made a famous statement “With Burning Anxiety”. In it he attacked the Nazis and as a result400 Catholic priests were arrested and sent to Dachau Concentration Camp.
Many Protestantsopposed the Nazis . They were led by Martin Niemoller. In1934 they set up theirown church “the Confessional Church” which opposed Nazi policies. In 1937 Niemoller was arrested and sent to aconcentration camp.
Other Protestantchurches (there were 28 in 1933) agreed to unite form the National Reich Church in September 1933. The leader of the National Reich Church wasLudwig Muller. This church was a “Nazi church”.All religious items such as the cross and Bible were removed from thealtar and were replaced with a sword and a copy of “Mein Kampf”.