Malaysia's prime minister announced to implementation of the movement control order (MCO) in a long period for the country. He stated that anyone unable and in need of help should raise a white flag in their respective residential areas to continue living. He also helped the people by providing EPF production assistance to those who are still in need during this pandemic season.
There's one family that falls and is in trouble during this pandemic season when the head of the family loses his job and has no income to cover all their daily life needs. This leads to stress and it is difficult for them to cope.
The family decided to wave the white flag to get helps for all the daily needs that are not enough for them.
As caring neighbors, they lighten the burden of their own neighbors by offering mental and physical help. They both contacted and informed to help agencies about the needs of their neighbors who are struggling and need help.
The family decided to wave the white flag to get needs for all the daily needs that are not enough for them.
Help agencies and both neighbors work together to provide assistance to families in need of help and assistance.