Yes,I know when I saw news’ online coverages this morning.
Omg, did you know that Adib the fireman has passed away last night?
So sad because he was beaten while on duty.
All the rioters did not respect Adib’s Human Right as a human being.
That’s correct Sue because the rioter had pulled him out of the vehicle as the situation became increasingly chaotic.
That incident has blatantly violated human rights.
Nabila and Sue had just gotten off the bus and were heading to Nabila's house and starting their chat about Adib Kassim the fireman who died during the temple's riot.
Yes, that’s right….so sad because until now there hasn’t been any solid evidence and witnesses to bring to court for trial.
Pity Adib, the sacrifice of the life of a young man who until now has not been brought before a court to be tried for his human rights.
I also had heard about that reopen the investigation papers and certain Article.
Nabila and Sue are started to discuss about Human Right because Adib was beaten while performing his duty as a fireman.
But I read that there’re 2 NGOs urged the Government to reopen the investigation papers on the rioters who had caused the death of Adib.
The rioters had violated human rights as Adib had entered the EMRS Fire Engine to save himself but he was pulled out by the rioters.
That’s good. Because all Human Right has to be protected and not to be violated.
Mohd Adib’s case is supposed to be brought to the court to seek justice and rights for Adib.
MACSA and PPMM urged the Government to reopen the investigation papers on the rioters who had caused the death of Adib. Under Article 3, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (UDHR), everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Nabila and Sue still talking about what has happened to Adib. In addition, they also linked the tragedy with Human Rights.
Yeahhh…i know Nabila. That’s why those people who does not respect the other people’s right, will have to face the consequences.