CHARACTER TRAITS: Shy, Nervous, Scared, Terrified. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY: He becomes friends with rikki-tikkiDEFINING MOMENT: He warns Rikki-Tikki about Nags plan of attack.
CHARACTER TRAITS: Brave, calm, Friendly, Nice RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY: He is the son of the man and wife and he is friends with Rikki-Tikki.DEFINING MOMENT: He rescues Rikki-Tikki at the beginning of the story.
CHARACTER TRAITS: Aggressive, angry, mean, rude, sneaky, evilRELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY: They are constantly attacking the other characters. DEFINING MOMENT: They both lose their life. Nag in the bathroom by a shotgun and Nagaina was killed in the neck by Rikki-Tikki.
CHARACTER TRAITS: The dad is brave, bold, calm. The mom is kind, loving,RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY: Parents to Teddy and help take care of Rikki-Tikki.DEFINING MOMENT: He kills the Cobra Nag and saves Rikki-Tikki and son. The Mom realize how great it is to have Rikki-Tikki.
CHARACTER TRAITS: Bol, brave, cunning, wise, smart, and respectful.RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY: He is part of teddy's family and friends to everyone else except the snakes. DEFINING MOMENT: When he goes into Nagainas home and saves everyone from the snakes that could be and the main snake.
CHARACTER TRAITS: Afraid, brave, nervous, lonely, sad, happy. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY: They are friends to Rikki-TikkiDEFINING MOMENT: They distract Nagaina so that Rikki-Tikki can defent her.