In "The Monster Are Due on Maple Street" by Rod Serling, one of the main themes is Mankind is it's own worst enemy. On page 82 Evidence that supports this theme is when pete van horn was shot and killed by charlie for no other reason than because they thought he was the monster. Secondly, On page 84 everyone had just started to put the blame on the kid tommy when charlie said "I do know who it is," "it's... It's the kid. It's tommy. He's the one."and they were all ganging up on him just becuase he read a book about something like this happening in the book so they all just assumed he was the monster even thought he was only 14. lastly, On Page 85 Since this was a crazy time no one knew what to do so whoevers house had lights on that who the target was everytime someone's lights turned off they aren't the monster but if their lights are on they are an alien for example the narrator says "The people shout, accuse, scream. The camera tilts back and forth. We see panic-stricken faces in close-up and tilting shots of houses as the lights go on and off..." . In conclusion if this cycle continues evenaully everybody will end up killing each other, That is why mankind is it's own worst enemy.
The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street Theme: Mankind Is It's Own Worst Enemy