The land was divided into strips, every family/person got their own strip. Everyone basically rented a strip, they could farm, raise animals, and anything liek that. The seineurial System was mainly to promote settlement.
People COULDN'T cross/pass onto anyones land that they weren't renting. They would get in trouble if they crossed/passed onto anyones land that wasnt theirs.
Seigneurial system. It was also institutitoinal. Everybody that lived there had a strip of land. Nobody could cross off of their strip of land, so they cant go onto other peroples land.
During The Segneurial System times, inhabets (they are indigenous peoples.), lived with Nobles, and Merchants. They all shared the land by spliting it into many different slithers of land.
Here Is Some More Information.
The Seigneurial Systen was a religious congregation. Louis Xlll and Cardinal Richelieu *"adopted"* the system to popuklate their colony.
The Seigneurial System started in New France (aka Canada or now known as Canada), it started in 1627 and ended in 1854.
The Seigneurial System used 36,500km of land. All of the land was devided into lots, they looked like slivers of land. Over 80% of the population lived in rural areas, there were rural areas in the
The Seigneurial System was to promote settlement. It was also based on the feudal government.