The drum thunders. scrooge hurts himself through the falling snowflakes and sends the children running.
scene 4
scrooge was getting ready for bed. Then heard a ghost sound outside and saw it was Marley. Marley came to warn Scrooge about the three spirits past, present, and future. so Scrooge didn't end up like Marley and die.
scene 5
The first spirit came which was the past. She came and told Scrooge about his sweetheart and how he was happy. Scrooge left his sweetheart because she didn't have enough money.
scene 6
The second spirit came which was the present. This spirit took him to the cratchit house. Mrs.Cratchit didn't like him because he always treated everyone badly. Bob Cratchit did like him. Scrooge said that tiny Tim should be dead.
The third spirit came which was the future. Tiny Tim dies and scrooge also realizes that he is also dead. Scrooge also figures out that his work was stealing his stuff from him.
Scrooge isn't grumpy anymore. He also accepts an invitation to his nephew's Christmas dinner . And he also donates a surprise turkey to the Cratchit's for Christmas.