But that's awful, we've got to do something for her!
I'm so guilty for making her feel bad.
Oh no.
Day 3
May! We're so sorry. Just know we're here for you.
Thanks so much. It's really hard, but with you all caring, I can manage.
Day 4
Oh, no. I hope it's nothing bad
The Bad News
I've got sad news, class. May's mother has just passed away. She'll be away for a week.
I'm really sorry for everything I said. You're an amazing person.
May is greeted by her new friends. Through this hard time, some good does come. May was always caring and lifted others spirits, even to people who bullied her and in return, were very willing to comfort her when terrible loss occurred in her life.
If you need anything, just let me know
How are you feeling, May? We all really care about you.