The Queen was to be murdered -- that we had suspected all along. She was to die in the middle of the command performance of Shakespeare's play.
Do you know . . . exactly . . . how it's to be done?
Why, yes! Don't you? It was Vicars' notion in the first place . . . .
Sir Philip!
Peters gets tricked into giving the yellow gentlemen Shakespeare's new script for one shilling and now Kit and Peter make a plan on how they will try to retrieve it back.
Arrest? You're mad--
Certainly, Sir Philip Morton. You, and your friends, are under arrest for participation in the conspiracy.
We know everything!
Peter goes into the Peel tower to look for Tom but Peter heard voices and overhears the plot against the Queen and now wants to take it upon himself to save her.
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more,
Peter and Kit are on their way to London and encounter four horse thieves who threaten them but Sir Philip Morton unintentionally stops the thieves and saves Kit and Peter.
If I must have a guardian,
I don't want one. Your Majesty.
Your guardian doesn't seem to have taken very good care of you, child. We must alter that. I've a fancy to make myself your guardian. Would you like to be a ward of the Crown,eh?
Only for a year or two, child. You'll give me as much trouble as Ireland, I don't doubt. Soon you'll be old enough to choose a husband, and I'll be rid of you.
Luckily, Peter and Kit find the Desmond's in the woods trying to hide from Sir Philip. The Desmond's and the actors dress-up as the Queens guards, and capture Sir Philip and his men.
John Somers was hiding behind the curtains waiting for his cue but missed his cue to shoot the Queen since he was captured by the guards before he could.
The Queen thanks Peter and Kit for everything and offers to becomes Kits Guardian.