The official website of the European Union says this, “The main driver of climate change is the greenhouse effect. Many of these greenhouse gases occur naturally, but human activities are increasing the concentrations of some of them in the atmosphere... CO2 produced by human activities is the largest contributor to global warming.“ Essentially, we are the biggest contributors to climate change because of our effect on trees/plants (deforestation), fertilizing crops, releasing fluorinating gases, and livestock/farming.
If our planet's atmosphere is changing in temperature and climate, then what are the major factors that cause major increases and decreases in temperature and CO2?
Scientists actually use ice cores to show the changing temperatures and climates because the layers of ice change as the years ago on and these layers are preserved perfectly in glaciers because they are frozen.
Wow, thanks! That helps a lot, but how do you know so much about this? How do you know that our global climates and temperatures are changing?