RISING ACTIONSam decides to go out and look for the dead body, where he finds a camp and meets a boy -Davey-. He realized that he is alone and waiting for his family to come back. When he realizes that he is good company he leaves and goes home to get more supplies for him to survive. He does this for Davey, and keeps him company every couple of days until he meets some new people....
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CLIMAXAs Sam and Justin are trying to escape from Slade they hit a dead log and go flying out of the boat. They hear Slade's boat approaching and go run to hide, as they were quietly backing up they felt something like a dead animal. After successfully being hidden, Slade leaves and Davey sees that the dead "animal" turns out to be Davey's dad.
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After being rescued from Slade, Sam and his family took Davey in while they looked for a family for him. Sam and Grover reconciled and became friends with Davey as well. Officer Stockton, one of the officers who helped rescue Sam and Davey, took Davey in and adopted him with his wife.