In Sparta, 2 Kings ruled Sparta. To make sure the Kings weren´t corrupt, they had a group of specialized people called ephors. The Assembly votes on the Laws that the Kings have written.
In Sparta, the boys were trained from age 7 to fight. They served in the Military until they couldn´t fight anymore. Some boys were trained to fight, but became someone in the government.
In Sparta, women were expected to stay healthy and strong to train their children. In school, girls were also taught how to fight, but not as much as boys.
In Sparta, women were allowed to leave the house alone unlike in Athens. If they wanted to, women could re-marry someone else if their husband was at war!
In Sparta, slaves were called Helots. The slaves were from where Sparta conquered lands. The Helots were allowed to live in their own homes and were allowed to sell their crops after they gave the government the crops they needed to feed the city. The Helots could also buy their freedom.
Sparta had the best warriors of Greece. They were well trained, and over 300 of them! All of the other city-states knew not to pick a fight with Sparta (Other than Athens of course) because they didn´t have a strong military.