As we learnt, the intermolecular space between matter varies from one state of matter to another and the force of attraction is dependent and hence they are inversely proportional to each other
okay, so lets get back onto the topic
For today let's keep it till here. Tomorrow we will continue the rest of the portion. Thank you
okay ma'am, understood!
okay ma'm, Thank you ma'm
thank you ma'am
Before beginning with the chapter let's discuss some basic points
like in any solid object, molecules are present close to each other due to strong force of attraction
and in liquid object, molecules are not so tightly packed and will have less force of attraction than solids
okay mam
okay mam but I have a doubt
Good question varnica!
whereas, chalk is powdered on hammering as chalk particles split due to relatively less force of attraction than a coin. Hope your question is answered.
Coin particles have strong force of attraction thus coin does not break easily on hammering.
Mam although coin and chalk both are solids but then why chalk has less force of attraction as compared to the coin while hammering.