st Ignatius had got shot by a cannon ball at the time of 1521 sadly this was the end of his career of being a night he founded this upotunity to help others at first he was sad about his leg but quickly recover emotionally and decided to help others as quickly as he could st ignatoius started by giving his riches to the poor
hi everyone
st Ignatious proceeded to go to university to get a degree witch aloud him to speck to the world about jesuits since he got kicked out of the street for telling everyone about the way of Jesus and story's St Ignatius was determined finished his degree and proceeded to tell every one story's of Jesus witch leads us to the next point of him telling making a society.
this point in time is where St Ignatius had got his degree to talk about jesus and his despises this was a good point in his life because he could finely make a difference so he had made at this point had made the society of Jesus the main idea of this society was to give to the poor help them out not to make a name for him self to help others