Messanger- I have a message from Don Pedro. He is coming with his army to visit you.
Leonato- Yes signor Benedick will return
Beatrice asking for Benedick
Messanger- There is no signor Montanto in the army
Beatrice- Has signor Montanto returned?
Hero- She means signor Benedick
Complementing Benedick
Beatrice- Yes, he is very brave
Messanger- Signor Benedick served well in the war
Messanger is announcing to Leonato that the army is about to arrive soon.
Beatrice don't like Benedick
Leonato- You will never fall, victim, Benedicks charms, my neice.
Messanger- So you do not like signor Benedick?
Beatrice forgets Benedick's name, while talking with Hero, Leonato and the messanger.
Army arrives
While waiting for the army to arrive, they are complementing Benedick and other men from the army.
Benedick wants Beatrice to love him
Beatrice- When your're around, even lady Courtesy becomes lady Disdain.
Benedick- That makes lady Courtesy a traitor. All the ladies love me, except you. It's too bad I'm so hard-hearted because I really couldn't love anyone.
Beatrice says she does not like Senior Benedick to the messanger.
Beatrice- No I do not.
The army arrives to the kingdom, Don Pedro thanks for hosting them.
Don John
Don Pedro- Thank you for hosting my army, Leonato
Beatrice is talking one-to-one with Benedick. He's complaining about her lack of affection for him.