Electromagnetic waves or EM waves are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field.
Do they have positive effects?
Electromagnetic radiation can be used constructively for curing the incurable diseases by eradicating the disease producing pathogens and micro organisms like bacteria, virus & fungi.
How about the negative effects?
Microwaves cause internal heating of body tissues. Infrared radiation is felt as heat and causes skin to burn. X-rays damage cells causing mutations (which may lead to cancer) and cell death - this is why doctors and dentists stand behind protective screens when taking lots of X-rays. Gamma rays also damage cells causing mutations and cell death
Electromagnetic waves are used to transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves, and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. They are also responsible for transmitting energy in the form of microwaves, infrared radiation (IR), visible light (VIS), ultraviolet light (UV), X-rays, and gamma rays.