Castle Cranshaw (Ghost) is a teenage boy who lives with his mom in a neighborhood called Glass Manor. He was very young when his Dad attacked him and his Mom. Ghost and his mom ran to the gas station that was near their house. Ghost and his mom were changed forever after this.
External Conflict
This Castle. He is the protagonist in the book. He is a teenager and like to play basketball in his free time at parks and at gyms.
Rising Action
The antagonist in the book Ghost is Brandon Simmons. Brandon bullies Castle and he makes fun of him because of how is dad left. He also makes fun of him because he doesn't get good meals at night because of his mother's job. Brandon is a year older and bigger than Castle so it is also easy for him to pick on and make fun of Castle.
The external conflict of this book is when Ghost steals the shoes from the Sporting Good Store. He cant afford to buy a pair of track shoes or buy any shoes at all so he decides to steal the shoes. His coach finds out that he stole the shoes later in the story hen he sees a sign at the sporting Goods Store that says Shoplifter. The coach makes him return the shoes and apoligize.
Ghost try out to be on the track team and he gets a spot. He tries out by racing one of the kids on the team named Lu. He ends of beating Lu but not by very much. After a while his shoes start to break so he goes to get new ones. He goes to the store and he steals a pair of shoes and runs for it. The store worker see him and yells at him but doesn't catch him.
When the Coach was going to pick up the uniforms at the sporting goods store he sees a sign with Ghost's face. The sign says shoplifter on it. The coach takes the uniforms to practice and calls everyones name except for Ghost. He then tells ghost that he saw him on the sign at the store. He gives him the jersey but says he'll have to return the shoes.