hello i'm Jorden Beauchamp and this is my in put on homelessness
homelessness is something that effect the ones that cant afforded the things that we need in every day life
I know that there are millions of american living on the streets and they can't fend for themselves because the economy is so judgmental and won't hire someone that is homeless. They are disgusting that they cant shower cases they don't have houses. It's so hard to get one. can't get one so they are stuck on the streets till someone will help them of they get a good job that take care of them self
solution/reason 1
We could make more Homeless shelters for them to stay in and rehabilitate them
solution/reason 2
we can teach them how to get a job and keep that job and how to keep that job till or we can let them work in the shelter till that
this man was homeless and did have a job but if we get him the things he needs then he can now work and provide for it famly
call to action
if the government would give us the money to build the shelters to get then to the place that need to be to take care of them self