Thanks for staying i willl give you a west wind to sail to Itheca. Hope you do good with the bag of wind
Thank you fair well
look home!
Wait lets open the sack to see whats in side
Odysseus goes to Aeolia home of the god of the wind: Aeolus. "Odysseus and his men next land on the island of Aeolus, the wind king, and stay with him a month"(prologue)
Oh noooooo!
(Odysseus) Why'd you guys open the bag!
"To extend his hospitality, Aeolus gives Odysseus two partinggifts: a fair west wind that will blow the fleet of ships toward Ithaca, and a greatbag holding all the unfavorable, stormy winds" He leaves Aelolia and sets sail back for Ithica
We're gonna divide up into 2 groups, 1. is going to explore, the other i going to stay behind with me
"Within sight of home, and while Odysseus is sleeping, the men open the bag, thinking it contains gold and silver." (prologue) The men were so close to home but they opened the bag
The men open the bag while Odysseus is sleeping and it lets loose a huge storm "Thebad winds thus escape and blow the ships back to Aeolus’ island. The king refuses tohelp them again, believing now that their voyage has been cursed by the gods." (prologue)
Odysseus and his sail to Aeaea, home of Circe The god of witch craft. There they split up in to two groups groups. "The lone ship then sails to Aeaea,home of the goddess Circe, who is considered by many to be a witch. There, Odysseus divides his men into two groups. Eurylochus leads one platoon to explore the island, while Odysseus stays behind on the ship with the remaining crew." (prologue)
The Eurylochus venture to the palace of Circe. "In the wild wood they found an open glade,around a smooth stone house—the hall of Circe—and wolves and mountain lions lay there, mild in her soft spell, fed on her drug of evil." (line 1- 5)