In the book, The Call of the Wild, Buck lives at Judge Miller's home in Santa Clara Valley and he is living a good life. He stays indoors, but plays outdoors with the children. He has a chef cook his meals. Manuel, Judge Miller's gardener, has a gambling problem. He heard that big dogs could be sold to people in Canada to help with the gold rush. Manuel bribed Buck with a treat to get him in a carriage to be sold.
Buck gets sold to the man in the red sweater and gets treated badly. The man in the red sweater made Buck inferior to the man by beating Buck with a club if he lunged at the man. Food was withheld from Buck until he was submissive. The man in the red sweater sold Buck to Perrault and Francois. who treated Buck fairly. They traveled to Canada with Buck. When they arrived in Canada, Buck saw snow for the first time and was confused at what it was, but was excited at the same time. He also met the other sled dogs.
A fight broke out when Buck met the other sled dogs. Curly, another dog bought by Perrault and Francois, was attacked by some dogs on another sled team and killed. The other dogs were being starved. Buck had to learn how to adapt to his new life as a sled dog. He learned how to bury himself in the snow to stay warm. He had to learn his place in the dog sled pack.
Next, Buck fights Spitz and wins. Spitz is eaten alive by the other dogs and by doing this Buck claims the title of Alpha Dog. Buck led the sled dog team until it got sold by Francois and Perrault. Some British men bought the team and didn't treat them well. Buck refused to cross the frozen lake. John Thornton came along and saved Buck. After Buck was saved, the British guy threatened to kill John Thornton because the rest of the sled dogs died when the frozen lake cracked. Buck stood up to the British guy and snarled at him. Buck and John Thornton got away safely and stayed in an abandoned cabin.
John Thornton is looking for gold in a river and and tells Buck to look for "this" showing him small pieces of gold. Buck had grabbed a giant piece of gold and then drops it when he was shown the smaller pieces. Buck later wandered into the woods and discovered a pack of wolves. Buck observes them, but then goes back to Thornton. Buck slowly began to integrate into the pack as he interacted with them daily. He started spending more time with the wolves instead of John Thornton.
Buck returned to John Thornton's cabin to find the British attacking John. He died in the fire. Buck returned to the wild, his natural habitat, after John's death. He also found a girlfriend. Buck's desire to live free and not be under the rule of humans was strong and he was able to fulfill this desire by the end of the book, The Call of the Wild.