I shall make slavery legal in each and every state
What ever happens the south should stay apart of our country.
Shouldn't we worry apart the downfall of our union.
Every state should have slaves so the people will be happy.
Wouldn't Half of the people would still be mad
The Northerners, Southerners, Constitutional union party and Abraham Lincoln are talking to the people who elected them.The constitutional union party was the newest and was formed by people who wanted to heal the split between the south and the north.
I shall heal the split between north and the south.
Slave will be free and become citizens.If your against it you can treat them how ever you want to. But know they are Humans
The north shall get what they want and I'll try my best to keep slavery out.
I shall make slavery legal in every state and make you guys happy
The four candidates arguing about what they should do, if any of them were elected.While they were arguing the south wanted a compromise to keep the union together and the south supported John Bell. The democrats split into two because the south wanted the party to support slavery.
The four candidates ready to announce their speeches. Abraham urge the south to stay with the union. The union were fighting and falling apart.
The candidate gives their speech and the crowd goes wild at the ending of Abraham Lincoln.
Yay !
The chart shows the percentages of the candidates. Currently, Abraham is winning. By the way in some of the states 10 ballet didn't have Abraham in it. But it didn't matter because the north outnumber the south.
Abraham is ecstatic and won the election. Now he shall celebrate.