Sure Trey, they have traditional, mixed, free market and planned economic system.
good morning Ella, I would really like your help with the four types of economic systems that are being taught in POB class.
yes of course, I'll start with traditional system it focuses on the old ways on the beliefs that answers the questions whom,what & how.
okay can you go more in-depth.
Mixed economic system involves a planned and marketing economic system which means that both the government and the people are able to make decisions.
wow!! did not remember that, can you do mixed economic now
alright then, can you explain planned and marketing for me.
okay let me start with planned, it is when the government makes all the decisions and controls everything from the same three questions asked.
okay last one marketing what is this one like.
Marketing is where people individually male decisions on how the products are used to answer the three economic questions.
Anytime I'm always open to helping a fellow student that needs help.
WOW thank you so much you just saved my life, We are having a test today and i forgot to study and you helped me remember.