Our main activity as an Aztec elite was to consolidate and extend the empire and we carried out numerous works such as temples that served to ensure the favor of the gods, roads for trade and the circulation of tribute.
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Our religion is polytheistic, since we worship certain main gods and also deify natural phenomena, the Sun, the moon and corn.
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We ,the Incas, had our Empire that was covered by a network of roads that allowed rapid communication between all regions.
We did not have alphabetical writing, but we did have various methods of recording and visual communication of information.
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The highest authority was the king or Inca, considered the son of the Sun, who ruled by divine right.
We lived in stone houses with roofs of thatch, reeds or other vegetables.
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Now below we will talk to you about the Incas and the Mayans
We, the Mayans, were one of the most important civilizations in America and influenced the emergence and customs of new cultures and developed great knowledge of mathematics, astrology and writing.