Hey, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, I am Franz Joseph Haydn. I am known for composing and expanding a couple of different genres of music such as Classical music, Sonatas, Operas, String quarters, and plenty of more. THEY ARE THE GREATEST OF ALL TIMES.
Hey, Joseph Haydn, it's really great to meet you. I too am known for composing and expanding several different genres of music like the opera, chamber music, piano sonata, string quartet, and a few more. We should go outdoors and see how we made music better.
Hey there, I'm Mozart and this is Haydn. We were curious to know how our music helped in the orchestras
Plenty more variety of instruments has been introduced in the orchestras by the both of you two, such as clarinets, percussion instruments and the piano.
Are you serious!!! That's amazing and what can you tell us about the theater and opera?
For operas the romance in music in music is standardized and in the theater more great music is used thanks to you Haydn but others use your music style Mozart. All I can say is nice to meet you two guys and thank you for your music.