A story where a college student rises up to get herself back with the help of the Lord to continue carrying out her Christian Mission...
Clarita is contemplating about her life. This is one of the challenges that she is facing today --lack of motivation and discouragement.
College is so hard! I feel like I am not doing my best...it's like I'm not motivated at all. What am I doing with my life?
She is feeling scared of what will happen --whether she will conquer this challenge or just give up...
But... I believe I am a strong woman and I am capable of anything. I should be out there doing my best, but here I am...talking to myself.
Clarita then sees her Mom. Her Mom asks her what's wrong and gives Clarita some advice. It was also a Sunday morning and they are going to the church.
Hi sweetie! I overheard you at the bathroom talking to yourself. You seem discouraged and is in a challenging position. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. You have me and always remember that you have the Lord to seek guidance to. Now, get dressed up or we'll be late for the Mass.
On their way to the church, Clarita saw an old lady needing help. Being a good Christian that she is, she helped the old lady. With this, one of her Christian Mission was accomplished --to think and help other people, and not just herself.
Don't worry, Lola. My Mom and I will help you. Here are the directions to get to Laguna. You can take the next bus po.
And so they made it for Sunday Mass. Clarita deeply listened to every word the priest says. Somehow, her heart begun to feel light and she feels enlightened.
God expects us to accept His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as our savior.
The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
Hi Mom!
My dear. I am lost. I was supposed to go to Laguna but I don't know where am I now. Please help me.