“U.S. President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, have just completed their United States—Soviet Union, 1985, Geneva Summit, in Switzerland. This has been Ted Koppel, ABC News, November 20th, 1985, signing off.” (On comes Michael Jackson’s hit song Beat It).
Man, I don't feel well, and I am glad I didn't have to go to school today. I wonder when grandpa is coming over? I will turn the radio on until then.
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Hey kiddo! I heard you aren't feeling well and stayed home from school?
Hey Grandpa! Yeah, I am not feeling well.
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I am sorry you are not feeling well! How is school going?
Thank you, Grandpa! Okay, I guess, we are learning about ancient Rome.
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Ancient Rome is great to learn about! So many important things happened then!
It is just about Julius Caeser getting the smoke. Who cares? It happened soooo long ago!
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I care, now let me tell you the assassination of Julius Caesar, from the points of view of four men.
Okay, grandpa, I'll listen.
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Great! These men were Nicolaus, Appian, Plutarch, and Suetonius.
They all wrote about Julius Caesar's death?
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Yes, let me begin.
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My name is Nicolaus, and I am here to tell you about the death of Julius Caesar. In the beginning, few were in the plot, but then it grew in size, devising a plan to flatter then man they hated.
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Can you believe the "Great" Julius Caesar?! He has got to go!
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Thank you! I can't believe it!
The Great Julius Caesar, one so mighty, we bestow upon you this honor!
Sureeeee he can't.
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I refuse, I can't be king, place it somewhere else.
Hail, king!
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It is time! Death to Julius Caesar!
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They sure did! Now on to Appian!
Wait! They just stabbed Julius Caesar's like that?!
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It get wilder!
Okay, grandpa, this is wild!
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My name is Appian, and I am here to tell you about the death of Julius Caesar. He has ended the civil wars, honored as never before, and there were even those who wanted to make him king!
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"I am not king, I am Caesar!" The title of king is an ancient curse! I do not desire it!
The Great Julius Caesar, "Father of Rome," dictator, and a god! We wish you to be King of Rome!
At least for now lol
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The Great Julius Caesar doesn't want to be king?! I severely doubt this!
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How shall I conquer the Getaens and the Parthians?
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Brutus my dear friend, it is time to recruit others, and prepate to assassinate Julius Caesar!
My dear Cassius, I do so agree, in which we must recruit others, then once sufficient, swear an oath to secrecy.
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My dear wife, Calpurnia, what has you upset?
My love, I saw a terrible omen in my dreams, in which you were killed, lying on the floor, and bleading to death.
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It is time! Death to Julius Caesar!
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I can't believe that even Brutus and Cassius betrayed me!
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It is! The story keeps getting more crazy!
That is crazy! I can't believe two of Julius Caeser's best friends, Brutus and Cassius betrayed him!
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There is most certanily more! Now on to Plutarch!
What happens next?
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My name is Plutarch, and I am here to tell you about the death of Julius Caesar. In the beginning, Caesar was on his way back from Spain, and planning on honoring Antony for his loyalty in his last campaign.
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Antony, I can't begin to express my gratitude in your loyalty, and serving with me in my last campaign. Thank you.
Of course, I will always be loyal to you.
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I have just be given a 5th Consul, I should afford this to Dolabella.
With all due respect, you must not do this.
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What should I do Antony, I know of others plotting against me.
Don't let them intimidate you. No one can stop Caesar!
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Antony, I refuse, I can't be king, do away with the crown.
Caesar, I make it known that you are king!
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Brutus my dear friend, it is time to recruit others, and prepate to assassinate Julius Caesar!
My dear Cassius, I do so agree, in which we must recruit others, then once sufficient, swear an oath to secrecy.
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It is time! Death to Julius Caesar!
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I can't believe that even Brutus and Cassius betrayed me!
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Yeah! It gets better though! Wait until I finish Plutarch's story.
So, Julius Caeser's best friends, Brutus and Cassius betrayed him in this story also?!
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I will finish it now.
What happens next?
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We must remember Caesar! Our emperor! Who was struck done by traitors in the Senate!
Here, here! After our emperor's body is laid to pire, let's lay fire to the houses of these traitors!
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Get Brutus and Cassius, make those traitors and their co-conspiritors pay!!!!!!!!!!!
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They sure did! Those two were sure something else!
That is nuts that they just burned down Brutus and Cassius's homes!
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Now you are living history! On to Suetonius!
What happens next? What did Suetonius have to say?
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My name is Suetonious, and I am here to tell you about the death of Julius Caesar. In the beginning, Caesar knew of the plots against him, but he preferred to simply quash the plots, rather than punish the conspirators.
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Pay them no worry, quash the plots, but punish them not.
Caesar, your enemies are plotting against you, along with Brutus and Cassius.
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Thank you for bestowing upon me these wonderful honors, while I sit here at the Temple of Venus Genetrix!
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I am Caesar and am no king!
Hail Caesar, hail king!
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Brutus my dear friend, it is time to recruit others, and prepate to assassinate Julius Caesar!
My dear Cassius, I do so agree, in which we must recruit others, and we MUST get at least 60 more of us!
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It is time! Death to Julius Caesar!
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I can't believe that over 60 people, including Brutus and Cassius, betrayed me!
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We must remember Caesar! Our emperor! Who was struck done by traitors in the Senate!
Here, here! After our emperor's body is laid to pire, let's lay fire to the houses of these traitors!
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Get Brutus and Cassius, make those traitors and their co-conspiritors pay!!!!!!!!!!!