Hello! My name is Emma! today I will try and get you to pick my Idea. Lets get started! Follow me!
My idea is to be able to get the person that is going to be doing this idea to be able to present a certain scene that they liked followed up by a explanation of why they liked that scene.
The only disadvantages that I see in this idea is that it would take a lot of time which isn't even that big of a disadvantage because they wanted something for the whole year and the other disadvantage that I may see is that it may cost a little more than everybody else's ideas
Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages that I see in this idea is that the kids are not limited to certain stuff but there is a handful of stuff that they can choose from which will make them feel less uncomfortable now that they have a choice
This can be either group or individual which I find really helpful for kids that are introverted and for kids that are extraverted there will be no group rules for this project because everybody should have an equal part of what they should do the materials that I see that we need is paint supplies paper canvases clay clay art and other such tools.
It's not even limited to just art but kids can reenact or even do a puppet show of this certain scene that they liked but no matter what project that they do they have to explain why they like that scene and what kind of message it showed