Because of Mr. TeruptBy Rob BuyeaStoryboard by Jackson Rucker
Exposition: Because of Mr Terupt is a new teacher at Snowhill School with 7 students. Mr Terupt lets things go by fast and the kids have nothing in common
Hi im Peter
Mr Terupt is not a sticked teacher and lets things go by way to easly and does nothing about it all year and leads to much to come.
Hi im Anna sorry for talking
Hi im Jessica
Hi im Luke
Hi im ALexia -__-
Hi im Jeffery lol
Hi im Danielle
Miss Williams will let the kids go outside for a surprise on a snow day and the kids were told to not throw snowballs but the kids do it anyways and one of the kids throw a snowball and hits Mr.Terupt in the head causing him to go in a coma.
TEACH!!! :(
The kids visit Mr.Terupt in the hospital and the doctors said he will have to have brain surgery. He had had concussions from when he was a kid
Kids! TYSM for coming to see me!
Students and there teachers will be moving to the next grade with each other!
Mr. Terupt had a good recovery and got to go to the last day of school. Miss Williams says that the teachers and their students will be moving to the next grade because the kids did not have Mr.Terupt the hole year.