Standard: SC.2.P.9Changes in MatterStudents should be able to understand that matter can undergo a variety of changes and matter can be changed chemically and physically
Yeah I just don't understand it.
Hey, your science teacher called and told me you were having with changes in matter.
Sounds great mom, I'll meet you in the kitchen
Maybe I can help you understand it better. Meet me in the kitchen
So first were going to discuss the changes that can happen with water.
How do we do that?
We will begin with the hard or solid state of water. Which is what?
The solid form is ice.
Right very good. So we take the block of ice and drop it into the pan. What do you think will happen
The ice will burn
No not exactly, The ice will melt into the softer form which is water
Oh I think i'm getting itt can we talk about these changes some more
Alright, There is one final state of water do you know that what is?
I think the that state is... the gas state.
Ok and do you know how we would get to that state?