Stella thinks about what would happen if she spoke to Desiree. The text states, "But she didn't know how to reach her and besides, what would she even say? Too many years had passed. What good would looking back do?" (Bennett 203). Stella had created a new life and didn't see the purpose of going back to what she was trying to escape.
What does the character think about?
Jude feels guilty for not telling Desiree about seeing Jude. According to the text, "Maybe, like Stella, she became a new person in each place she'd live, and she was already unrecognizable to her mother, a girl who hoarded secrets. A liar" (Bennett 283). Jude understands how deep the issue is between Desiree and Stella. She feels similar to Stella because she's withholding important information.
What effects do they have on others?
What is the character like?
Stella has always been a timid person. According to the text it states, "She was the twin who wouldn't tell" (Bennett 174). Stella was never the type to be open, even during her childhood. She was selective about expressing what was going on with her.