This was what doubled the us in 1803 it is called the Louisiana purchase . we bought it so we would be so crowded and it was so convenient that the French needed money so we bought it from them.
We just doubled the size of the us with the Louisiana purchase
This is the Louisiana purchase
This is Lewis and Clark they thought Kansas was BEAUTIFUL. But they said the water did not stand up to their standards.
Its so pretty here
Yeah I know except the water taste bad here.
This is lewis and clark
Pike thought Kansas was unhapital. He said it was dry and unlivable.
Its so dry in Kansas its unhapitale.
This is pike
This is long he traveled by steam boat. He was all by himself when he explored.
This is long
This Andrews speech
This is Andrews speech. he said he wanted to take the land for them selfes.
Noooo! Please dont this is are home.
This is the indian removal act. this is when they finally got the indians out.