Yow Jia I have something to ask about the stars of they are born and died
Ohh sure Jerah come inside our house and I'll tell you about the stars
About the star you were asking about I'll show you how the stars are born and died let's watch it
Ohh that's how the star are born how about if they died?
Now let's start talking about how does the star born, The star are born becausewithin the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. A familiar example of such as a dust cloud is the Orion Nebula.
Ohh that's how the star die now I understand
The star diedbecause theyexhaust their nuclear fuel. The events at the end of a star's life depend onits mass. Really massive stars use up their hydrogen fuel quickly, but are hotenough to fuse heavier elements such as helium and carbon.
Yes! now I understand how they were born and die
And now you understand how stars born and die?
Thank you Jia for helping me to understand how does star born and died
No problem Jerah just come to our house if you have some question.