Now lets talk Rules. When getting a permit, You need an adult in the car with you.Curfew: 11pm-5amNo drugs/alcohol and No phone!
Once you get your license, you can’t drive with anyone for about a year after you get your license. Don’t drink alcohol or be under any influence with drugs while driving.
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What happens if I were to drink and drive or if I was on my phone while driving?
If you are under the age of 21, your BAC level should be 0.2 or higher to be considered driving under the influence.
If you are 21 or older, it has to be 0.8 BAC or higher to be considered to be DUI
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If you are caught with DUI, your first offense will be 45 day license suspension.
Second offense: 45 days license suspension, or until twenty-first birthday, whichever is longer If no other suspensions, eligible for restoration after the 45-day suspension regardless of whether the suspension for failing or refusing a chemical test for the same arrest has been fully served.
Third offense: Permanent revocation of license. Must wait at least two years from the date of revocation to request a hearing for reconsideration.