Hey! I know I always give you a ride but I really need you to pay for gas this time.
Hey, are you ready to go to the mall?!
Umm, well you can't really depend on me just because I give you a ride every time.
No sorry I thought since you always pay you wouldn't have a problem with it this time.
We need to talk because this is getting a litte out of hand.
Well Im sorry and I don't have the money.
I really don't like it that I have to pay every time for gas everytime I take you out. It is unfair and gas prices are high. I would really appreciate it if you helped. You sometimes act like you cant help and it makes me feel mad and I don't want to feel that way,
I'm sorry, I didn't realize how big of a deal this was for you. I am sorry that I make you pay everytime. I will now try t pay as much as I can,
It's okay, I just needed to let you know that. I wanted things to change and be more fair.
I get it and I will pay this time. I am sorry for all the trouble that I have caused you.
Its okay. I'm glad I got to talk to you about it. Now things are good between us:)
Thank you for understanding, I'm glad you got to me openly:)