In the year 1700 BCE, a man named Abraham, lived in Ur, Mesopotamia. At some point according to the Torah, the Hebrew bible, Abraham made a covenant with god, in his agreement, Canaan would belong to Abraham's descendants.
I guess I will Passover this house too
Eventually, Abraham's grandson Jacob led his family out of Canaan to Egypt because Egypt had a great Supply of grains. Sadly according to the Exodus, the Israelites were treated as slaves because there religion was Monotheistic and the did not think the Pharaoh of Egypt was a god.
TorahThe Ten Commandments
Moses is an Israelite, who was adopted by the Pharaohs family. Moses believed that God spoke to him and told him to rescue his people. Then he asked the Pharaoh to let his people go but the Pharaoh refused.
To the promise land
When the Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt, god gave Egypt terrible hardships because he refused and after each punishment, Moses would ask the Pharaoh, will you let my people go. Each time the Pharaoh refused, until the last punishment, the death of every first born son of the Egyptians. Moses told the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb and put the blood above their doorway, so there sons will live. The Pharaoh finally let them go and the name, Passover, a Jewish holiday came from this because they passed over the houses with the blood.
When the Israelites were on their journey to the promise land, Moses went up Mount Sinai to meet with God. God gave him the Torah, in the Torah it includes the Ten Commandments. Commandment means an order to do something. Today the Jewish, Christians and others believe the Ten Commandments are important because it teaches a lesson that if you obey and believe God, God protect and support you. It also includes Gods ethics or the idea of right and wrong.
After the Israelites receive the laws from Moses, they continue to the promise land and under Joshua leadership they conquer Jericho. After the defeat, the various tribes settled in the south and the north.