Things were not easy for African Americans in the 1900's. Spending half their time trying to survive and the other half fighting for equality in all types of ways. However when facing the Jim Crow laws or Black Codes multiple obstacles arose for all of them.
This basically means Jim Crow laws were state laws that enforced racial segregation in the south. These would include 1. Separate bathrooms 2. Separate dinners 3. Separate hotels 4. Separate schools 5. Separate Churches 6. Separate Water Fountains 7. Separate Trains 8. Separate Theaters 9. Separate Cemetery's
Damn Brian I would take you but I'm outta Gas
if you gon walk, be sure to be careful walking down, confederate lane
Dancing Jim Crow: Jump Jim Crow was a song and dance routine written in 1828 by a white comedian named Thomas D Rice. Aka (TD daddyrice)
Here you have our main character Brian on his way to work. However due to his car breaking down he now must now walk through the most racist part of the area confederate/plantation lane.
Here you have our main character Brian on his way to work. However due to his car breaking down he now must now walk through the most racist part of the area confederate/plantation lane.
The Plessy V Ferguson case was a legal precedent guiding all race related jurisprudence. This only provided the southern and northern states with a rationalization method to continue discriminatory acts and claim they are justified because of XY and Z
Throw stones at him!!
Brian knows he shouldn't walk this way, in fact his white wife strongly urged against it. Yet even with his knowledge of what could possible happened to him. He still had a strong heart and was not ready to back down to any form of racism. He had to be at work by 9:00 and he was not gonna let his family down. Although he did have the courage to walk down there, he was still met with hatred and disdain from white folk in his area resulting in him being bombarded with rocks and stones for 24 min straight
Brian had beaten in the street that day, only being able to get away because he played dead. Once he arrived at the Pillow factory his boss Mr.Westendorf was already waiting for him. He pleaded with his boss to get him to understand why he was late. Then he began trying to explain how he was attacked and how his car broke down but by the time he finished his boss had already made up his mind and fired him on the spot
Please Mr.Westendorf!!
CAN IT YOUR 30 MIN LATE!! I don't even wanna hear it. honestly my daughter could do way better than you
This may be a very short and depressing story but it goes to show you how much systematic racism could affect people everyday. Being that he was attacked anyone with morals could understand the pressure he had on him. But unfortunately his boss doesn't see it that way and wants to get rid of him any way he can now that hes ruining the company.