In Chicago, a dangerous disaster has begun. The Great Chicago Fire II has been spreading all over the city, growing every minute. Fire Fighters are struggling to efficiently run the hose to the water source in order to get more water.
Magnanimous Madeline helps them to get the pump down to the water faster. This cuts the time it takes to get the water. It also eliminates times for the fire to spread.
Now they can get water faster. This way, they can get more water to help put out the fire. The fire has better chances of being put under control sooner.
Still, the fire is contiuing to rage on in other parts of the city. Some people are stuck inside this burning house. Magnanimous Madeline must save them!
Madeline uses her speed to run into the house and bring the people out. She is so fast that she can outrun fire, so she doesn't have a single burn. She saves the family.
The Fire Department is finally able to put out the fire. The family is saved. Madeline set out to help rescue others around the world.