In the Italian mountains, a man fell from his horse and hurt himself so he decided to rest in this old and mysterious bulding in the middle of nowhere
His servant decided to break the door and get in. Everything looked new and modern, so they went to the smallest room in the house
There were many beautiful paintings, carpets and a book in the room. The night arrived and his servant lit some candles and he began reading the book
The man moved the candles closer to him and found an oval portrait of a pretty young woman. It looked different, more vivid and for some weird reason, he couldn't stop looking at it for hours
He was scared of the painting so he sat on the bed and continued to read the book that explained the story of the woman's portrait
The book said that this pretty woman was married to a painter who decided to do a portrait of her. He was so focused that he made her stay on the chair for days without eating or even drinking water. The painter didn't even notice that the woman died but her soul stayed in the portrait forever...