This scene shows a woman suing this man and the jury has to decide whether he gets sued or not. In the Seventh Amendment, if a person sues another person for more than 20 dollars, than they can ask for a jury to decide the case.
Seventh Amendment
I am suing this man! I don't care how much money I need to pay to sue him! Jury, can you please sue him?
I will decide if this man is guilty or not! Then I will see if he will or will not be sued.
This scene shows that each government gets the same amount of power. In the Tenth Amendment, power of each level of government gets protected. Any power that was given to the national government by the Constitution goes to the states, and then any powers that wasn't given to the states go to the people (citizens).
Tenth Amendment
National Government
We all have power!
This scene shows a person's daily rights by swimming. In the Ninth Amendment, the government cannot take away daily rights and freedoms of other people. This means that citizens can do daily things that are not specifically listed in the Amendments.