In the beggining, Isabellas parents get into a fight. Isabella is scared because her parents voices keep getting louder and louder. Izzy runs up to her room and sits in her bed the rest of the night
The next morning Izzys dad comes in and tells her the news. Her father is moving out of their house into a different apartment. Izzy thinks it is her fault, but her father conforts her and says it was his fault, not hers.
My arm......
CALL 911
Get well
Izzabella feels like she has two lives now. And sometimes she does not like it. Every single week she switched back an forth through houses. The question she asks herself, ¨What am I really?¨
Izzy, her friend Imani go into the locker room aft\er gym. Imani open her locker and hung at the top, was a noose. Imani runs back and covers her mouth, the girls are all screaming and in shock.
Izzy and her brother stop for ice cream on their way to the piano recital. While police come over and accuse them for robbing a bank. Izzabella reaches in her pocket to get her phone, one of the police shoot her...
Izzy is okay, the police girl said she did it on accident. Izzys arm is burning and she has a cucution. In the hospital room, her parents say sorry for screaming at eachother and that they are happy for their new lives.