Excuse me Sire, but what makes up an empire? Why are we an empire and not a kingdom?
Hmmm, that's a hard question
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A community in Rome
To begin, empires have to have groups of distinct people and a significant amount of them too. - King
So you're basically saying that empires have groups of people that are different which creates diversity. - Knight
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The second characterization of an empire is having an "flexible" boarder, where the empire can take in other diverse groups and unite with them. - King
So empires are able to make different groups of people and unite them under one rule? - Knight
Yes, exactly!
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Another important thing to remember is that empires are not characterized by the type of government system they have. - King
So we have a dictatorship while the British empire have a democracy but we are both still empires. - Knight
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Another thing commonly misunderstood about empires is the size. Empires don't need to be big, and some are pretty small. - King
Oh I get it now, now that you point it out we are much larger than the Athenian empire. Yet, they are still called an empire. - Knight
Roman Empire
Athenian Empire
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To sum it all up, empires have connected different populations together. In a way, empires have banded the human race together!
Hmm, I think I'm starting to get how empires work but it amazes me how so many different groups were able to join together in a way.