Since then, I've disliked any English-related topic since I'm not very skilled at formulating, comprehending, or conveying concrete concepts. However, when I approached senior high, I challenged myself to perform better. As I attended online classes, I concentrated on learning and discovering new things to help me strengthen my skills.
I am somewhat apprehensive and eager concerning learning something new, yet the current circumstances make if more difficult not just for the students but also for the teachers. It is undeniable that I have gone through a ramp of struggles and and difficulties in answering.
I studied about Pre-Spanish literature through the modules, which included stories, folk tales, the epic age, and folk songs. Furthermore, what I enjoy most is the poetry Gabu, which serves a single objective for readers seeking tranquillity or peace of mind from the brutal world and the chaos of existence. On the other side, I learnt from my blunders in the tanaga exercise, for which I received a low score.
That made me nervous and bombarded my thoughts for days. We learn from experiences, and even hindered development is still progress. In such a short period of time, I tackled a variety of topics, including May Day Eve, which I also adore, narrative poems that provide insights, symbols, and morals, and, of course, figures of speech. In a nutshell, it consists of poetry, essays, tales, and novels that help to extend a person's intellectual boundaries and promote a more engaged intellect.
Throughout the learning process, I was able to overcome obstacles that will actually improve my academics, particularly in Literature. I really like the collaborative learning in sessions that enabled us to grasp these foreign subjects on which we were to focus. This course enables us students to think critically, particularly in the areas of conversing and thinking.
As I neared the end of the prescribed tasks, I recognized that my creativity, abilities, and knowledge were being put to the test. Learning never ends, and I want to improve and explore more on this topic, with a predilection for literature since it is important to learn about other cultures and countries, as well as examine other human views, thoughts, and communities.