The land is so peaceful and our culture is undisturbed.
In1830 the Indian removal act was passed by the congress but they didn't start removing Cherokee till 1831 so life was still some what peaceful.
Move it, move it hurry up
In 1831 the first native american tribe to be forced out of there homes by Europeans were the Choctaw followed by many more. The Cherokee were forced out of there homes them put into large prison camps.
The Cherokee were kept in prison camps with hardly any of their possessions. They were kept in these camps till they started the walk.
Groups of Cherokee were forced to start the walk to Oklahoma in the summer months. Many Cherokee died of the heat and diseases. The rest walked in Autumn.
Get up now!!!! keep moving
The Trail of tears was a walk from North Carolina to Oklahoma
The Cherokee ended up walking in Autumn then into the winter months which meant a lot of Cherokee died of diseases,starvation and the cold.