"My people have said, the wisest, most knowing and best of them, that my duty was to go to the Danes' great king. They have seen my strength for themselves, have watched me rise from the darkness of war, dripping with my enemies' blood. I drove five great giants into chains..." Line 415-420
I am the guardian of crime, I've come to defeat you Grendel
I have eaten Geats for every meal of the last decade, There is no man more powerful than me.
"Grendel snatched at the first Geat he came to, ripped him apart, cut his body to bits with powerful jaws, drank the blood from his veins and bolted.." Line 739
It is me you shall fear, by god's grace and the strength the devil has given me. I will defeat you.
"Higlac's brave follower tearing at his hands. The monster's hatred rose higher, but his power had gone. He twisted in pain, and the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder snapped, muscle and bone split and broke." Line 813
You are no sin-stained demon. You are just another weak killer for me to defeat.