I disagree because I never played a video game that made want to do anything that is against the law
I think those violent video games of yours should be banned for your age because they show a bad example for kids you age
Well yeah but I heard that kids your age are doing really bad things because of those games you are playing and I don't want you to be like those kids
That is probably because those kids have a hard home life and need to be treated better and play games as a guide for their life
Probably but me looking at you'r games it teaches teens that you can do anything without consequences
Well by the time kids hit their teens they have a good prospective of what is illegal and what you can not do
Also I heard that video games rot your brain, melt brain sells and make you dummer
well that can be not existent as long if you give kids a certain amount of play time and tell them to read
Well most of the time kids have to check in with their parents before they buy a video games
Also it is way to easy to get games you not old enough for and I think you must be certain age to be playing certain games
Also I learned that 100s of people die all do to teens playing violent games
Well I also heard that ever sense the 1990 violets to to video games have been going down